WE'RE BACK IN THE CLASSROOM! The Wine Studio reopens its doors with all the security measures in place.

June 22 of 2020 - Current events

This Friday we’re very happy to receive our current Level 1 group at The Wine Studio.  They’ve been studying in a combined format, mixing both online and on-site classes.

Starting in September, we’ll be resuming the rest of our courses and are excited to be able to welcome everyone back to the school. In this post, we’ll introduce the key points of our security protocol so that you can attend class without any concerns.


• To prepare the classroom, we’ve started with a thorough cleaning. Bleach has become our best friend. When you arrive, both the room itself as well as the desks, chairs, and all classroom material will be disinfected.

• We kindly request that you come to class prepared by wearing a face mask at all times when not seated at your desk, especially when going to the bathroom or chatting with your fellow students during the breaks. If you happen to forget to bring your mask, we’re happy to supply you with a disposable one.

• The Wine Studio is located inside a building. To get to our floor, you can either use the staircase or the elevator. We request that you follow the building’s security guidelines when using the elevator. Should you choose to use the staircase, please ask the concierge to show you where the stairway access is and how to get to our floor. We’re located on the 5th floor and you’ll need to use the service stairway.


• Starting in September, we’ll be using individual desks spaced 1.7 meters apart from each other. This way, the minimum security distance is easily maintained and students may remove their masks while seated if they so choose.  

• There will be automated hand sanitizer dispensers in each of the bathrooms, as well as in the kitchen and the classroom itself.

• Each student will receive a set of 4 wine glasses, which you’ll not only use in class but which will also serve as a memento of your time at The Wine Studio. Each day, you’ll be able to take them home in order to clean them prior to the next class.   

• The tutor will wear a transparent face shield during class, while also maintaining adequate safety distance from students.

• The tutor will serve the wines to minimize the number of people who touch the bottles. Both the wine bottles and wine opener will have been disinfected prior to class. Tutors will also disinfect their own hands once again just prior to opening the bottles.  

• There will be disposable and recyclable individual spittoons for each student.

• The pencils that we hand out during the exams will be previously disinfected. The tutor will distribute the pencils to each desk after having disinfected their own hands.


• “Act with others in mind: as if you could be a carrier of the virus without knowing it.”

• Protect yourself and protect others

• If you have any symptoms that correspond to someone suffering from COVID-19, we request that you not come to class. We’re happy to offer you solutions so that you don’t miss out on the class. Possibilities include recording the class and/or offering tutorials.